Sunset Hill Community Hall Calendar

Check our calendar for regular weekly events and special events.

October 8, 2024

NW Dance: Waltz 1 Workshop

Category: Dance NW Dance: Waltz 1 Workshop

October 8, 2024

The basics of leading and following, while learning fun waltz moves. You’ll fall in love with this dance! Five weeks: $100 pre-pay or $25 drop-in day of.


NW Dance: Swing 1 Workshop

Category: Dance NW Dance: Swing 1 Workshop

October 8, 2024

In this class you’ll learn lots of cool moves while also learning basic dance partnering skills. We will be working on single-time and triple-time rhythms, which means you will be able to have a swinging good time dancing to both fast and slow swing tunes. Five weeks: $100 pre-pay or $25 drop-in day of.


NW Dance: 1-Step Workshop

Category: Dance NW Dance: 1-Step Workshop

October 8, 2024

Intermediate/Advanced. The One-Step (and its many variations) was the most popular style of dance in the early 1900s. This intermediate/advanced level class series will help you discover the magic you can create on the dance floor with this versatile dance. We will be exploring fun, unique, challenging patterns and partnering finesse. Five weeks: $100 pre-pay or $25 drop-in day of.
