Join the Board!

Hello and welcome to the Sunset Hill Community Hall Board of Directors page!

Since way back in 1922 we have had a Board made out of neighbors just like you that enjoy helping out with our really fun events and our interesting management discussions. The SHCH board is a nice way to expand your friendships, learn about business, and get a lot of thank you’s over and over from your neighbors. It is always surprising how interesting your neighbors are, and how fun they are to get to know. A great way to meet new people, help out your beautiful neighborhood, and have a fun time being involved.

You don’t have to be a professional business person, or a professional event planner to join our board, but in a short while after you get involved, you will really be one! We have a diverse board of professional people and working people, for our neighborhood includes everything from a big shipyard to a little surf shop, all successful neighborhood waterfront business. And we are in the middle. We are a successful Ballard business too, a nonprofit 501(C)3 as of early 2024. We encourage diversity in our board, employees, and membership. The more unusual the people that join us, the more diverse backgrounds of people we have and the more great ideas that will pop up.

Another great thing about joining the Sunset Hill Community Hall Board of Directors is you will gain the honorary title of “Sunset Director”. You can even put that on your business card after your name. The State of Kentucky has Colonels, in Washington State we have Sunset Directors. With your help the sunsets seen from Sunset Hill Park will be even more brilliant and amazing. Fun Fact: the sign in the park naming the mountains to the west was a project of the Sunset Hill Community Hall Board!

So why join a neighborhood nonprofit board? Joining a board like ours gives you a tremendous amount of the wonderful sense of “Well Being” which is more than just a feeling of happiness, but a multifaceted emotional reward for just being a human at their best. Science now believes that in human endeavors. Well Being is what people really need, want, and strive for. Well Being is the many great parts of human experience that we all want, making our own lives better and this makes our connections with other people better, too. Creating a community is a great way to make positive connections with other people, a great way to feel accomplishment, a great way to get positive feedback, a great way to feel engaged in your work, and a great way to give meaning to your life. All important components of Well Being. You can have as much as you want helping out here!

Board meetings, emails, and event production doesn’t take much time, but the fun results of your time reverberate throughout the neighborhood. Happiness for everybody through powerful “community building”, events, that everybody in the neighborhood likes to join in.

Reflection time. After you help plan, setup, watch, and put everything away after a Sunset Hill event, there is the  great reward of a feeling of accomplishment. At the end when you walk outside and quietly close the doors, look back at the old building and reflect on what you have accomplished. The beautiful 1929 building was built not only to create a neighborhood gathering place, but also a place where fun-loving people help out, people that love community building, working with great motivated leaders, where any person can feel warm about what they have done with their lives.

If you are interested in joining the SHCH, please contact the Board President: