Open Treasurer Position

Open Treasurer Position

SHCA Treasurer Needed

Do you like number crunching? Would you like to be engaged with the Sunset Hill Community by working with a team of local volunteers? Sunset Hill Community Association is looking for a savvy volunteer to fill the treasurer position on our all-volunteer board (about 4 hours/month).

Treasurer will (among other things):

  • Attend our board meetings at the SHCA clubhouse on the fourth Monday of each month (7-9pm)
  • Review rental reports from Phinney Neighborhood Association, prepare financial statements and an annual budget, and advise the SHCA board on financial decisions
  • Maintain a relationship with our bookkeepers and local bank

It’s preferable, but not necessary, that our candidate lives in Sunset Hill (see our boundaries HERE) or nearby, and they must pass a background check and have references.

We’re also looking for volunteers to help:

  • Organize community social programs (do you like event planning?)
  • Spearhead a land use/neighborhood advocacy committee
  • Help maintain our historic building.

Thank you! It takes a village. Sunset Hill is lucky to have a beautiful neighborhood home base, but we need help keeping it going.

Please contact the board by email at [email protected].